Blow away groups of foes that each test you in their own unique wayWelcome to Island of Zombie Blocks, a wildly entertaining and challenging first per
Blow away groups of foes that each test you in their own unique way
Welcome to Island of Zombie Blocks, a wildly entertaining and challenging first person shooter that will test your skills in a range of ways. Fun to play, but difficult to master, this mega hit arcade game lets you equip your character with a selection of modern melee and firearm weapons and provides you with ammo and health packs you can discover throughout your journey.
In order to bring you an amazing first person shooter experience, Island of Zombie Blocks features levels that are epically HUGE! Because of this, load time can take awhile. We ask that you don't penalize us with a one-star review. This is, after all, a FREE game and we just wanted you to be a part of a high-end, immersive game rich and varied in challenges...
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◆ ◇Play for Survival◆ ◇
In that moment, he saw eternity, and he was driven mad...
There is a creature that takes the form of an old man with decaying flesh. It appears after playing a certain video game. Those who have encountered it report gaps in their memories. All that is, except for you. Taking up the controller to play this popular game, you are in the middle of a heated battle when the mysterious figure appears before you. In that moment, you witnessed something that would change your life forever. As with so many who playing this game, your life changes drastically. This game comes quick, claiming its victims and disappearing just as quick. Now the land is ravaged with those who have suffered the consequences of this visit. What this game has created is the walking dead... zombies, to be exact. As one of the few who has witnessed-- and remembered--- the encounter, you are also strangely unaffected, but the recollection of what happened has slowly been driving you mad. The only way you can think of to rid yourself of this madness is to confront your demons-- quite literally. Taking to the streets, you have taken it upon yourself to rid the world of these monsters and the terrors that haunt your every sleeping and waking moment.
◆ ◇Dangerous Battlefields◆ ◇
This FPS showdown will take you across a diverse series of maps, including an island by the bay, rustic town, and abandoned hospital. Each of these locations have been besieged by zombie enemies who will stop at nothing to destroy you. When you first enter this warzone, you will be unarmed. Locate any weapon you can find and equip it to start blasting past enemies. This game boasts progressive difficulty which means as you move through that levels, enemies will increase in number and difficulty while perks such as ammo and health will decrease. Do you have what it takes to battle your way to victory? Journey through three unique landscapes with countless challenges. Perform lethal strikes and battle for supremacy. This game is easy to play thanks to simple, touch-pad controls that allow for easy fighting and maneuvering of your character as well as easy selection of weapons and perks. Test your skills, plan your attacks, and reserve your shots.
✖Easy touch screen controls
✖Heated gun battles
✖Brutal combat
✖Precision aiming
✖Melee and firearm weapon variety
✖Health and ammo pickups
✖Entity map
✖Health meter
NOTE: Island of Zombie Blocks is in no way associated with Minecraft nor any of its characters, skins or textures.